Laser Spy

Can you steal the diamond?

Your mission is to steal the largest diamond on earth which is secured by high-tech laser technology

Infiltrate the museum and dodge the lasers, remember - you might get caught if you touch them

User your mental abilities to complete tasks and get closer to the diamond

Steal the diamond and get ready to escape the museum

Disable the alarm before you get caught



Steal the Diamond


Hi-Tech Ancient Egyptian Museum





150 - 250 sq ft

300 - 500 sq ft


1 - 6

2 - 10


15 min

20 min




Is there warranty?
We provide 1 year warranty on our product. You can prolong it if you want.
Why do you create mazes of only green color?
A green colored laser is the brightest of all other colors. So, for the player to see the laser beams distinctively, we create maze of green lasers.
What is your target audience?
Anyone more than 3 y.o. Our stats show that 40%-50% are of the age 3-15y.o. 30-40% are of the age 15-30 and 5-10% others.
Is it safe? Aren't the lasers harmful to skin?
Yes is is totally safe. Our laser are very low power and comply with world standards on max permitted power. Also, laser is turned off whenever touched.
Where can I place a laser maze?
It can be placed anywhere you want (indoor/outdoor). Entertainment parks, FECs, Bowling/Laser-tag/Arcade arenas, malls (shops/atriums), fairs, fests, parks, cinemas, etc.